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* 18in or 45cm * Foil Self-sealing Reusable Foil Balloons are helium air filled. Best kept in air-conditioned area. Avoid high temperature Long exposure under sun, this may cause the balloon to deflate or explode. Beware of thermal expansion and contraction under different weather conditions. Avoid any sharp objects and edges when placing the balloons. Suitable for birthday, Grand opening ,get well ,new born house warming . add 1 m of LED Lights $10.
Availability: In stock
For security reasons, Jurong Island or Marina Bay Sands (MBS) security office requires recipient to submit the license plate of our floral delivery vehicle. As such, recipient need to call Jurong Island or MBS's security office to arrange the necessary paperwork . We regret to inform that we will not be responsible for non-delivery if the recipient fails to arrange the above.
Regular Price: $8.00
Special Price $6.80